Feb 19, 2024

Track candidate’s pipeline stage

Track candidate’s pipeline stage

Track candidate’s pipeline stage

Track candidate’s pipeline stage

View candidate pipeline stage

From now you can track and update the current stage a candidate is in. This feature is designed to provide clear, real-time visibility into each candidate's progress through your recruitment pipeline. With this feature, you can effortlessly monitor and manage the journey of candidates from initial application to final hiring decision.

By default Klaaryo includes the following pipeline stages: To contact, Contacted, Interested, Not interested, Unresponsive, Interview, Hired, Not a fit.

You can update candidate pipeline stage only after you have added a candidate to your pipeline (i.e. liked candidates)

Update single candidate pipeline stage

Once you have liked a candidate you can update candidate pipeline stage by simply selecting from the dropdown.

Update candidate pipeline stage in bulk

Once you have liked few candidates you can update multiple candidates pipeline stage by simply selecting all and update the stage accordingly.

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906