Jan 17, 2024

Send direct Linkendin messages automatically

Send direct Linkendin messages automatically

Send direct Linkendin messages automatically

Send direct Linkendin messages automatically

Since we launched Klaaryo our promise is to make recruiter’s life easier and more productive. How many hours do you lose each time to contact candidates over Linkedin?

From today you can contact candidates directly from Klaaryo with our new Linkedin integration ✨

How it works:

  • Download our Browser extension (available for Chrome and Edge)

  • Easily connect your Linkedin account

  • Send your first message to a single or multiple candidates

Bye bye sending one to one messages to your pipeline and welcome 10x productivity boost 👋

☝️ if the candidate you are reaching out to is not already in your network we will automatically send the connection request and once accepted deliver your message.

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906