Jan 31, 2024

People search 1.0

People search 1.0

People search 1.0

People search 1.0

From today you can freely access our comprehensive database of more than 2M+ tech related candidates profile. This version includes advanced filters for job title, company, experience, skillset, and education, enabling highly targeted searches.

Additionally, the search engine now features industry-specific options, allowing for even more refined candidate searches tailored to various sectors.

How it works:

  • Navigate to Discovery section

  • Set your filters (ie. iOS Developer, Milan)

  • Navigate through the results

  • Screen and connect with your favorite candidates

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

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Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906