What is Klaaryo?

What is Klaaryo?


Nov 6, 2023


Why are we here?

We hear it everywhere and we know it hiring the ideal candidate is now one of the biggest challenge for every company out there.

Either you are a startup, an SME or Enterprise, finding or attracting the ideal candidate is tough.

I believe there are two type of fundamentals motion in talent acquisition:

  • Applications: candidates applies to your job openings proactively, they show a strong interest in joining your companies.

  • Sourcing: you proactively reach out to your ideal candidates based on job requirements and desired skillsets / backgrounds.

When specifically looking at how companies hire tech related roles we immediately see how important it becomes having a robust sourcing and headhunting strategy in place.

As Cord reports in one of its latest market analysis, with more active candidates than ever before due to the recent massive layoffs and 3x fewer sourcing messages being sent by companies, the average candidate will be receiving significantly fewer messages compared to this time last year.

Sourcing today is less competitive than ever before.

However, sourcing is still very time consuming and hard for talent acquisition teams. It requires hours of boolean searches, profile screening, emails and followup messages.

After speaking to more than 100 companies, we found out that on average talent acquisition teams still spend more than 40% of their workweek to source a candidate for a new role.

Why is that?

  • Fragmented Data Sources: Talent data is scattered across various platforms such as LinkedIn, job boards, alumni databases, personal websites, and more. Navigating each platform separately is time-consuming and inefficient.

  • Hard to know when to engage: recruiters need to manually gather information across various sources to determine whether a potential candidate is actively looking for a job.

  • No data-driven way to prioritize targets: prioritization decisions recruiting teams are often made based on intuition, random knowledge gathering, or incomplete and inaccurate data.

A fully manual sourcing approach simply won’t cut it anymore.

But is it possible to scale your recruiting efforts while ensuring quality and personalization?

Reimagining talent acquisition

With AI being top of mind for most of HR leaders, we believe there’s a huge market opportunity to reimagine how talent acquisition is done.

Klaaryo provides companies the talent intelligence platform they need to stay competitive in today’s job market.


  1. Automating candidate sourcing: we create a single talent network ****connecting previously disparate hiring pools (internal candidates, external employees, contingent workers, freelancers and alumni for example).

  2. Identifying best candidates: we source from a pool of 3M candidates to identify top talent matches across different data sources including internal talent pools and external sources.

  3. Automating engagement across channels: create automated, multi-step touchpoints for your candidates outreach, including emails, calls, LinkedIn messages, and more.

By leveraging natural language processing and machining learning, our AI powered tools analyze millions of data points to indentify the most relevant skills for a given role and estimate likelihood to accept a job offer, spot candidate’s with the highest probability of being open to work ultimately increasing the conversion rate from message to hire.

Looking ahead: can we build a fully automated sourcing process?

Our vision is to help recruiting teams focus on the human aspects of hiring automating all the repetitive and low value activities.

Our motto is:

Get hours of time back per week. Go from data to decision faster.

With this in mind, over the next 6 months we will focus on helping our partners automating up to 90% of their sourcing activities so they can focus on building better hiring process and candidate experiences.

If you are a talent acquisition manager or a founder that wants to improve your recruiting efforts reach out to try Klaaryo today.

Fede 👋

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906

Evolve your recruiting strategy today.

© 2023 Klaaryo. All rights reserved. P.I. 02872710906